Saturday, August 27, 2011


Don't ask, don't tell doesn't apply to my next door neighbor. Well, one of them, anyway. The other kid seems nice enough, and a little appalled at who his roommate is. I've learned that it really doesn't matter. Will the guy next to you risk everything to protect you? Then who cares who gets it up for him? I've met many a man into men who was more a man than most I've met into women.

My neighbor, however, is a woman. He's a parody, a satire. He'd be superficial if there were even a surface there. And doesn't a surface imply depth? I really don't know how that poor boy he lives with can stand it. I think he said his name was <a href="">Brent</a>. Good kid. Maybe when I feel up to it, I'll tell him a bit about what I did in Afghanistan. He seems interested, but doesn't want to intrude. A good kid. That's the kind of person I'd be willing to share with, when I'm ready to share. I could stand to let it out, too. In its own time.

What I need is a drink.

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